The third Mekong project for Myanmar and Cambodia started in early October 2017. This project is the logical consequence of the structural measures to establish EMDR therapy in Cambodia.
It includes the further development of the Psychotherapeutic Centre in Phnom Penh as well as the renewal and modernisation of the curriculum of psychiatric education at the UHS (University of Health and Science).
In Myanmar, another group of psychologists and psychiatrists are being trained in psychotraumatology. For this purpose, social workers and specialist personnel are trained in MHPSS in the field of refugee work and work in institutions for the affected population.
Within the next 3 years 4 further training seminars will be held with the support of therapists from Cambodia, Thailand and Indonesia.

The aim is also to strengthen the Asian network of the EMDR umbrella organisation and to hold the fourth EMDR Asia Conference in Thailand in 2020.