Trauma Aid Europe 3rd Annual Conference Flyer

Trauma Aid Europe 3rd Virtual Annual Conference

Saturday 04 November 2023


08:45h to 16:45h (UK Time)


Forgiveness, Reconciliation and Sustainable Peace

In Trauma Response


08:30h      Registration

08:45h      Welcome by President Trauma Aid Europe

Professor Derek Farrell MBE

09:00h      Keynote Address One (60 minutes):

Venerable Robert Miller, Archdeacon of Derry &

Michael Doherty, Director of Peace & Reconciliation in Northern Ireland

10:15h      Presentation One (30 minutes):

Child & Adolescent EMDR C-GTEP and G-TEP and Institutionalised Care – Supporting Children and Staff

Vasia Stamati, Manolis Foundoulakis, Penny Papanikolopoulos (Greece)

11:00h      Morning Coffee Break

11:15h      Presentation Two (30 minutes):

Transgenerational Trauma and Lebanon

Charlotte El Khalil

12:00h      Keynote Address Two (60 minutes):

Father Michael Lapsley SSM, President of the Institute of the Healing of Memories (South Africa) and Social Activist

13:00h      Lunch

13:30h      Presentation Three (30 minutes):

Trauma, Identity and Extremism

Deepti Ramaswamy

14:15h      Presentation Four (30 minutes):

Trauma Psycho-Social Support (TPSS) in Northern Iraq and Ukraine

Frank Hofmann, Peter Bumke, Ute Sodemann (Trauma Aid Germany)

15:00h      Presentation Five (20 minutes):

Work of Trauma Aid Turkey with Earthquakes in Turkey

Hayal Demirci, Chair Trauma Aid Turkey

15:30h      Keynote Address Three (60 minutes):

Planning for a Sustainable Recovery

Carol Martin, Executive Director Trauma Recovery US / EMDR Humanitarian Assistance Program &

Howard Z. Lorber LCSW, Vice President Trauma Recovery US / EMDR Humanitarian Assistance Program

 16:45h      Trauma Aid Europe Humanitarian Award 2023 and Closing Remarks


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8 CPD (Continuing Professional Development Credits) approved by EMDR All-Ireland

Cost:         €80.00

To Book:   Booking Link

